The Mighty Scrivener… You might not ever use word for writing again

Follow-up to the Word post, with a light intro to Scrivener, aka the Batman of writing tools. The Mighty Scrivener… You might not ever use word for writing again

The Coming Book Wars: Apple vs. Amazon vs. Google vs. the U.S.

A good description of the darkling plain. The Coming Book Wars: Apple vs. Amazon vs. Google vs. the U.S.

Microsoft Word: 5 misuses and 7 alternatives

Something for the students as they write their papers. I see every one of these misuses and more besides. It’s enough to make me start doing a course just on digital workflows and academic tools. (via Instapaper) Microsoft Word: 5 misuses and 7 alternatives

Q & A: Ross Douthat on Rooting Out Bad Religion

Buy the book; I am. (via Instapaper) Q & A: Ross Douthat on Rooting Out Bad Religion

How the first Christians understood Jesus' resurrection

Historically, then, how Christians have understood Jesus’ “resurrection” says a lot about how they have understood themselves, whether they have a holistic view of the human person, whether they see bodily existence as trivial or crucial, and how they imagine full salvation to be manifested. Just …

Why Was Jesus Crucified?

Apropos for the day, from one of the best NT scholars I know of, and just the thing for some common misconceptions. Why Was Jesus Crucified?

Abysmal Google+ Numbers: Users Spending 3 Minutes per Month on the Site

So true. Abysmal Google+ Numbers: Users Spending 3 Minutes per Month on the Site

Sixties Language Made Mass Boring

Fr. Barron hits the spot on how to see the new Mass translation. (via Instapaper) Sixties Language Made Mass Boring

a minor friar: Advice to Theology Students

Equally good for undergraduate majors, graduate students, and those simply interested in theology. a minor friar: Advice to Theology Students

Reporters, Baptists, Romney & ‘cults’

Just can’t recommend GetReligion enough for anyone who wants to make sense of the ways that theological points appear in the news. (via Instapaper) Reporters, Baptists, Romney & ‘cults’

Big Picture at World Youth Day: 'It’s the Evangelicals, stupid!'

John Allen’s take on WYD just past. Big Picture at World Youth Day: 'It’s the Evangelicals, stupid!'

The Coming Cloud Wars

If Silicon Valley were hosting a basketball tournament for consumer money and mindshare in the cloud, right now we’d be looking at a Final Four of Google, Apple (plus Twitter), Microsoft (plus Facebook) and Amazon (especially if they can make a compelling tablet). The Coming Cloud Wars

Israelites in the Anglo-Saxon Sea

Fascinating take on Anglo-Saxon religious poetry, referring to this new volume of translations. Israelites in the Anglo-Saxon Sea

It’s not about the iPad

“The next time you watch a child use an iPad, think about what your knowledge-based toys looked like when you were their age. The iPad is their slide rule; their typewriter; their Commodore 64. As great as the iPad is, it’s more mind blowing to imagine what will soon deprecate it.” It’s not about …

Fr. Barron on the Pope's new book

Fine description of the dynamic between historical-critical and theological interpretation. (Via Ignatius Insight.) Fr. Barron on the Pope's new book

The Theological Necessity of an Historical Interpretation of the Bible

Truer words never spoken: “The moment the “Word became flesh” (Jn. 1:14), history became essential to the task of thinking about and proclaiming the good news of the Bible, and it became essential for very theological reasons.” The Theological Necessity of an Historical Interpretation of the Bible

Pondering Islam and its discontents

Pondering Islam and its discontents: “To put all this into a sound-bite, the church’s approach to interreligious dialogue is moving beyond the tea-and-cookies stage, where the point is simply to be polite to one another. Today a more balanced form of engagement is emerging, which promises more …

Faith Abides: The Intelligence of Benedict XVI | Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.

Fr. Schall reviews Tracey Rowland on BXVI; not to be missed, and good in the wake of the UK visit to bring home Benedict’s theological vision. (via Instapaper) Faith Abides: The Intelligence of Benedict XVI | Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.

Hawking and Creation » First Things

Money quote: “In the end, Hawking on theology reminds me of ill-informed fundamentalists and their efforts at creation “science.” There’s no actual interest in a broad engagement with the challenges of understanding, just a mulish push to make what one already understands into the key for …

Benedict XVI & the Bible

Here’s the conclusion of a longer article from Fr. Lienhard on BXVI’s approach to Scripture. Well worth reading the whole thing. “The theology of the Bible elaborated by Pope Benedict XVI in the course of almost fifty years might be summarized in ten theses. The word of God must be approached with …

BXVI & the fragility of reason

Nice piece by Weigel that puts BXVI’s trip to Britain in context of broader Western Civ. issues BXVI & the fragility of reason

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: How to Win the Clash of Civilizations

Politically incorrect, but nonetheless accurate: “The greatest advantage of Huntington’s civilizational model of international relations is that it reflects the world as it is—not as we wish it to be.” Ayaan Hirsi Ali: How to Win the Clash of Civilizations

Razing generational bastions

Nice updating and reapplication of Balthasar’s thoughts on razing the bastions, from Homiletic & Pastoral Review; good for Gen-X types such as myself to remember! “Most of the young people I know here at St. Louis University, for example, pray and worship and serve in a “post-dissent” Church… …

Benedict XVI on theology

ON “SCIENTIFIC” THEOLOGY (via Sandro Magister) Q: Your Holiness, I am Mathias Agnero and I come from Africa, specifically from Côte d’Ivoire. You are a pope theologian, while we, when we are able, read only a few books of theology for formation. It seems to us, nonetheless, that a fracture has been …

Regulators Are Watching Google Over Antitrust Concerns -

The money quote is the subtitle: “Sure, It’s Big. But Is That Bad?” Still, I’d much rather have the Google of 2010 than the Microsoft of the 90s. Regulators Are Watching Google Over Antitrust Concerns -

"I assure you, there is very excellent services committed at the bridge."
- Fluellen, Henry V